Frustrated scientist looking at document

Webinar: Uniting Disconnected Data to Conquer Batch Release

No matter what stage your data is in—paper, files, electronic logs, embedded databases, or automation systems—wrangling the wide variety of data sources that impact batch records is never easy. There can be so many systems capturing data, and they aren’t necessarily incorporated into a single repository. You need to connect those systems and contextualize that information in a meaningful way.

Initiatives to create data lakes or data warehouses, while noble in concept, have generally fallen short of being viable for batch records. Compliance can’t wait for big data initiatives and complex integration. An alternate approach is to use a hybrid system that combines information in its native form, regardless of where and in what form your data is stored (including data lakes!).

How do you review information now? Some sites manually inspect individual documents, a time-consuming and inefficient process. With a comprehensive report or single workflow to review everything related to batch release, conquering batch record review becomes an easily achievable goal.

Attend our live webinar to learn how you can conquer batch release by uniting your data, regardless of the nature of that data or the underlying system storing it.
